New Organizational Structure

Good afternoon colleagues,

I want to thank you all for the time you have taken to help me better understand our organization, goals, and opportunities. Over the last two months, I have met with the leadership team and have finalized our new organizational structure (included in this communication). I believe these changes will allow us to capitalize on our operational synergies and will provide more significant alignment and growth opportunities. Ultimately, this new alignment will enable our organization to most effectively support the university objectives set forth by Dr. DesRoches, taking Rice to the next level of excellence and impact. Please note that this organization chart only reflects the changes to current direct reports. A complete organizational chart reflecting all aspects of the Finance and Administration organization will be available in November.

Key changes include:

  • Creation of a new role – AVP Operational Excellence and Engagement. This role will lead our strategic planning efforts, help develop a data-informed decision-making culture across the organization and develop our engagement strategies within and across the university. This role will not have any direct reports. I will launch a national search for this position in the next week.
  • Creation of a new role – Sr. AVP for Finance and Business Strategy, Deputy CFO – This role will enable us to develop long-range financial operating and capital plans and help bring data and budget analytics to units throughout the university. I am pleased that Katrina Spencer, who brings a deep background in budget and financial strategy, joined our team yesterday as the interim in this role. I anticipate launching a search for this role in 2023 after better understanding our organizational needs.
  • Creation of a new role – Sr. AVP Infrastructure, Sustainability, and Services. This role will facilitate and further build upon operational synergies and develop leading sustainability practices within Facilities, Engineering & Planning; Housing & Dining; Administrative Services; and the Biosciences Research Collaborative. I am pleased that Mark Ditman has agreed to serve as the Interim leader in this role.
  • Human Resources will expand its area of focus to include Institutional Equity & EEO.
  • Compliance and Risk Management will merge into a newly formed Compliance and Risk Management organization. I am delighted that Chetna Koshy has agreed to lead this new organization.
  • Communications and Events will join in building upon the natural synergies between communications and events. I am pleased that Susann Glenn has agreed to lead this organization.

I look forward to meeting with you in a Coffee and Conversation session or during your team meetings that I will join in the coming weeks.

Thank you all for the work you do every day.

All my best,

Kelly Fox Vice, President for Finance and Administration