Inauguration Weekend Thank You

Good afternoon colleagues,

I’m writing to you with a grateful heart for the incredible work that so many of you committed to for many months toward the inauguration weekend of Dr. DesRoches. It was a memorable, once-in-a-lifetime event that showcased the beauty of our campus and the incredible people that make up our community. With the pomp and circumstance of the ceremonies a beautiful memory for us all, it is not lost on us that our president has aspiring goals for the university and unwavering faith in how our Finance and Administration team will contribute to them.

As we move into this new era of change and growth, we know that investment in Rice’s infrastructure will be top of mind. Dr. DesRoches highlighted this in his inauguration speech when he said, "we will invest in our infrastructure — in terms of people, physical space, and technologies — to ensure an alignment with our ambitions in research, scholarship, and creative endeavors work. Facilities that match the excellence and talent of the people using them.” He calls on all of us to commit to excellence in our undertakings. We know this will require us to be diligent and intentional, and I have every confidence that we will be successful.

Thank you all for the work you commit to doing each day. You all show up with purpose and intention, and our university is a better place.

All my best,


Kelly Fox, Vice President for Finance and Administration